The POR-15 Depot Presents High Temperature Paints and Coatings
Released on = February 10, 2006, 11:05 am
Press Release Author = POR-15 Depot
Industry = Automotive
Press Release Summary = - -Mount Vernon, Texas- BLACK VELVET, FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY, and POR-20 BRILLIANT ALUMINUM are very high heat-resistant coatings designed for use on steel subject to elevated temperatures. FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY and POR-20 BRILLIANT ALUMINUM will withstand temperatures on a continuing basis up to 1400F, while BLACK VELVET will withstand temperatures on a continuing basis up to 1200F. When subjected to high heat concentrations, FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY will darken in color (as will cast-iron).
Press Release Body = - -Mount Vernon, Texas- BLACK VELVET, FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY, and POR-20 BRILLIANT ALUMINUM are very high heat-resistant coatings designed for use on steel subject to elevated temperatures. FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY and POR-20 BRILLIANT ALUMINUM will withstand temperatures on a continuing basis up to 1400F, while BLACK VELVET will withstand temperatures on a continuing basis up to 1200F. When subjected to high heat concentrations, FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY will darken in color (as will cast-iron). Though they will dry to the touch in about four (4) hours and may be handled, these coatings will not arrive at full cure until they have been exposed to heat concentrations of at least 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Metal Preparation: Surfaces to be coated must be clean, dry, and free from oil, grease, and any other coating which cannot resist high temperatures (paints, varnishes, lacquers, metal prep coatings, etc). Sandblasted surfaces are ideal, as are wire-brushed or sanded or filed surfaces. Surgical-type gloves should be worn for handling to keep natural body oils off the prepared surface. Do not use Metal Ready because the zinc phosphate contained in the Metal Ready will not withstand the temperatures that these coatings can withstand.
Uses: Manifolds, Exhaust Systems, Ovens, Stacks, Stoves, Headers, Boilers. Thinner: For brush or spray, use only POR-15 Solvent. Lacquer thinner may be used for cleanup as may other aromatic solvents.
Dry Time: At 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees C), dry time is about four (4) hours to touch. Recoating may be done after a minimum of 24 hours. These coatings attain full cure only after heat exposure of at least 300 Fahrenheit. Application: Stir the high-heat paint contents thoroughly before use, and often during application. DO NOT SHAKE. Shaking will create air bubbles. Apply in full coats rather than thin coats, but not so full that it runs. Avoid going over the same area again after it has been painted. Apply a second coat after the first coat has dried at least 24 hours. Allow final coat of Black Velvet to dry at least 24 hours before exposing to high heat.
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Contact Details = David Vondrasek||2306 S.E. Access Road||Mount Vernon , 75457||$$country||||1-866-226-2762||||
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